I'm Just In A Rhyming Mood, I Guess

I guess I've just felt like making words rhyme lately. This shall pass I'm sure. I'll be back to posting random ass artistic videos and what ever lameness catches my eyes. Obviously I'm speaking to myself here since no one reads my blog.

They see the look in his eyes, he flies high as the kites. The sky is just might, the top height of his flight. This guy in his fight, won't be dying tonight. He's shinning as bright as your guidingest light. But ain't no disguising the his fright, he's applying it right. Trying his might to acquire the life the was robbed at first sight. Mind you the one, that battles this fight, will soon overcome, as he has seen the shinning light from his Sun.

Ps. "guidingest" is not a word.

I Think I Wrote A "Poem" Six Years Ago...?

Yeah, so I might have written a "poem" 6 years ago... Technically, back then I thought I was cool and was writing what I believed to be "rap" lyrics cause I was under the impression that I knew how to rap. I know from what I'm saying I make it sound as if I was terrible but I keep it modest! Anywho, here is the poem I wrote that I think really captures how I was feeling circa '04. A lot of people don't really understand it whereas some do. If you don't, then don't worry. Just look at all these pretty colors! Ooh, rhyming words!
Daniel Bermudez

My words absurd, shocks your minds mode.
Differences between hot and cold unknown.
Pens explode as words fall into place.
Metaphors distort mistakes that erase space.
Mind state replaced by he who's taste is hate.
Trapped on this fake plate defined by checks, I express excess of liquid context that forms to set below your fish nets.
Concepts stride, kept but uncaught.
Born with the gift that some bought.
Before birth my line was sought, way after the fetus has fought the pounds of pot.
This is not the resurrection of past souls, this is living the only life I have ever known.
It's life, destiny, death and how it unfolds is the only thing left I can control.

Have a Sunnytart day!

Pretty Dope Stop-Motion Graffiti Animation