This Video Is AMAZING!: EL GUINCHO | Bombay

Not too sure who these people are or what the hell the song is about but I think this video is amazing! I just get the feeling that a lot went into every shot. Well made, I got so into it that I was surprised it was over and a few minutes had passed! Watch and enjoy! Ps. Nudity so it's NSFW.

Cat Says Nom Nom While Eating cheese!!

You have to know the internet meme, right?! Eating=Nom Nom!!!!! Yeah, you know. Well, I think this is the first animal (besides humans) that has actually "said", "nom nom nom nom" while eating! Yay internet!

Every Little Step I take!

This ish is classic! Enough said. Happy 40th post!

Amazing HDR Video!

This ish is crazy. Full screen this bootch! That's it.

Gizmodo Suggests That Atheists Are Better Spellers

This is a Gizmodo study that evaluated 250,000 OKcupid users. There are a lot more topics they went over and you can check it out, here. I just felt I should post this cause it made me laugh. Don't get mad! This isn't an insult to ANYONE!