Now, This Is My Kind of Art!

A short time lapse documenting the preproduction and set up of Augustine Kofie's first solo art show in San Francisco, California at White Walls Gallery. All documented days before the public opening on October 9, 2010. Includes documentation of both the mural as well as the found object installation.

Short Doc on Jon Naar, Early Graffiti Photographer

Jon Naar was one of the first photographers to document the early days of New York City graffiti in the 1970's. The photos were first published in his legendary book entitled "Faith Of Graffiti", complete with a forward from Norman Mailer.

The Simpsons Intro: Banksy Edition

I'm a few days late on this and in internet time I'm REALLY late and this is old news but I feel I just had to post it so that the two people that read my blog can have their jaws drop too! This is pretty dope because the animation is spot on IMO! And it's pretty sad too. Enjoy.

source [Janice Llamoca & boogieb106]

Amazing Video Shot With 102 Year Old Lens

Okay, okay. I'm too liberal with the word amazing as I recently noticed. But, to hell with you cause THIS video does look amazing! Now, I haven't watched it in it's entirety as I'm at work and should be working, so I'm letting you know now that I hear it's NSFW. And also, not safe for my 12 year old cousin whom I recently found out reads my blog. Don't watch this video, damn it! Okay, Now that that's out of the way, enjoy.

Full screen this bootch!