Yeah, making a lot of changes over here and they're all to better this site. It will be down for a few days, hell, maybe even a week. Not like anyone will notice. Ha. BRB.
Guy Fights Street Sign and Loses! ::Video::
HA! Enjoy!!
Nobody is On The Metro!! Ahhhh! ::Video::
LMAO. This dude is fucking nuts! Ha, I'd probably do the same thing too... I'm an odd one. Enjoy.
Dudes Play Russian Roulette w/ Thumbtacked Nerf Gun ::Video::
WTF?! Ha. Just one "Ha" though.
This Baby Loves Kid Cudi ::Video::
Kid Cudi has the same affect on me... Pause... Really pause. Enjoy.
"I Love Invisalign" Eminem Spoof ::Video::
Wow. This is real. Like it was made to promote an actual dentist office. It's almost genius but it's almost retarded. No diss to retards. Enjoy, kinda.
These Dogs Have Great Table Manners! ::Video::
Perfect. Why didn't I think of this?!
Dancing Android is DOOOOOOPE!! ::Video::
Holly hell! I fuckin' love this. I need that costume too, but I heard it's $2,000! That's the price of looking cool, eh?? Fuck. Either way, enjoy!
Cooking With Macho Man! ::Video::
Art Overdose No.7
A Visual History of Movie Title Design ::Video::
Wow. This is pretty inspiring. Enjoy
Iraqi Tron ::Video::
Holly... Fuck. Awesome. "My fucking rib cage!"
Super Mario Bros. w/ Real World Sounds! ::Video::
20th Anniversary of The Rodney King Beating
It's been 20 years today since Rodney King was beaten. Although it was a terrible how bad all the police brutality was back then, I'm going to speak on the tech part of the story. Back in a time when this as such went unseen by most people and on rare occasions such as these when it is brought to the public's attention it took days for it to be noticed. Nowadays every thing is instant and you pretty much can't go anywhere with out the possibility of it being captured on video if a situation arises. Is this a good thing or bad? I think good.
I like to think it helps keep the police in order and even criminals from doing their thing knowing that pretty much everyone is equipped with video capturing capabilities. Do I feel safer? No. Do I feel like my privacy is in jeopardy? Not really. If you're in public, you can be photographed or filmed says the law. I don't really know I was trying to go with all this, I just wanted to make the 2 people that read my blog aware of this anniversary and maybe you might want to watch what I consider the first off net viral video. Please, don't enjoy.
I like to think it helps keep the police in order and even criminals from doing their thing knowing that pretty much everyone is equipped with video capturing capabilities. Do I feel safer? No. Do I feel like my privacy is in jeopardy? Not really. If you're in public, you can be photographed or filmed says the law. I don't really know I was trying to go with all this, I just wanted to make the 2 people that read my blog aware of this anniversary and maybe you might want to watch what I consider the first off net viral video. Please, don't enjoy.
Aubrey Plaza in Star Wars Spoof ::Video::
Okay, this isn't that funny. I'll admit it's a little clever but even that is pushing it. The only reason I posted this video is cause I am oddly attracted to Aubrey Plaza and I don't know why. I guess I've always had a little thing for the "odd girl." Either way... Kind of enjoy.
Art Overdose No.6
What if You Only Had 5 Minutes to Live? ::Video::
This short film was made by someone named Ien Che for a Campus Movie Fest at Emory University. It's a lovely reminder to focus on the things that matter in life... Enjoy.
How The Real Mini Darth Vader Would Act! ::Video::
What if the Mini Darth Vader from the Super Bowl VW commercial stayed true to character? This.
Random Moment of the Day w/ @AbbysCool's Magic Boots!
Just another Random Moment of the Day!
Using Explosives to Create Art ::Video::
My jaw dropped... Wow. Enjoy this shit.
Random Moment of the Day w/ C-Walkin' Louie G
Elderly French Guys Duel w/ Lightsabers!
Kinda epic, just kinda. Enjoy
Art Overdose No.5
Kanye's New Video Is Super Dope, But Have We Seen It Before?
Kanye's new music video is so dope! The typography (I'm a design nerd so I geeked out over it!), the vibrant colors, the epileptic inducing flashing lights, and most importantly, Rihanna lookin' sexy as all hell! But, I feel like I've seen it before... Anywho, enjoy!
Check out these vids that must have been the inspiration for All of The Lights...
And even though it's not very similar I still wanted to post DVNO cause it's still fucking amazing!
Check out these vids that must have been the inspiration for All of The Lights...
And even though it's not very similar I still wanted to post DVNO cause it's still fucking amazing!
All-Star Weekend Absence
Not sure how many people actually read my blog, but if you happen to and have noticed I haven't posted in a lil' while it's because of the NBA All-Star break that has kept me pretty busy. I'm planning on recording a couple of my random moments out there that I can post up here. We'll see.
Moving Snowman Scares People! 100th post!!
Shout out to me for my 100th post!! This shit is pretty funny. Enjoy muda fugahs!
Exit Through The Pet Shop! ::Video::
This is fucking epic! You've seen Exit Through The Gift Shop, correct?? Me too. Well, I must say that this trailer is a million times better... Enjoy!
Art Overdose No.4
Vlog Ep.4: Scammers Gonna Scam!
HDR Video Looks Like a Video Game!
HDR photography has been around for a while, you may or may not know. But HDR videography is somewhat new and I've even posted a couple here on the blog but this one is FUCKING AMAZING! They filmed an old chapel and the final result looks fake! Like a damn video game and that is super dope to me!
Frank's Netflix Tour...? ::WTF::
Don't really know anything about this other than the fact that when it was done I was like, "What the fucking fuck?!"
Random Moment of the Day w/ Taraji P. Henson
My first video in my new series, "YaBoySL's Random Moment of the Day" I will randomly post random moments on random days and today's moment is with the beautiful, Taraji P. Henson!
Make Facebook Secure by Enabling HTTPS! ::Important Video::
Like seriously, you're going to want to switch on this feature!
Brazilian Taxi Driver Sounds Like Michael Jackson!
Decent. Enjoy!
Art Overdose No.3
Fockink Brand Gin Has The Best Jingle Ever!
Fucking Gin! Or at least that's what I hear... Haha. It's Friday! Let's drink Fucking Gin!
Do You Remember Sounds of Dial-Up Internet?!
HOLY FUCK. Memories! Don't use the phone! I'm online! You picked up the phone and I lost connection you asshole! Damn it, I need to check to see who's chatting!!
Stephen Colbert Discovers How To Eat 105% Beef at Taco Bell! ::Funny::
Stephen Colbert killed this! I LOL'd. You might too, enjoy.
If You Have 3 Minutes to Spare, Watch "3Minutes"
I didn't know what to expect from this short film but as soon as it jumped off I was like Holly hell! It got good, fast! I just hate the ending case it leaves you with so many questions! Okay, maybe just two questions. Either way, enjoy, sucka!
Gorilla That Walks Upright Like a Human?!
WTF?! Did evolution take another leap?! This Gorilla walks upright like human! I give it 200 hears before they take over! Scary shit, homes!
The Best Action Movie You'll EVER See!
HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT! This is the best thing I've ever seen in my life! I want to spend the rest of my life with this movie.
The Greatest Picture of ALL TIME!
Movie Lines & Masturbation! ::VLOG::
This is my third vlog and it gets a little uncomfortable, I'm not going to lie.
Let's All Start Not Giving a Fuck! ::Video::
AHHHHH! You may or may not know, but I work in the creative field and I've fallen into the mindset of creating things based on what people may like instead of letting my imagination run wild and creating something I can really be proud of! aaaaand, I hate it. Either way, this video is good. Let's all Stop giving a fuck! Fuck this, fuck that, fuck this, fuck that! Enjoy!
Dude Beat Boxes The History of Hip Hop
Holy Hamburgers! this shit is retarded! ENJOY!
Art Overdose No.2
Toy Cars Blowing Up in Slow Motion
This video just makes me smile. Reminds me of my childhood, I wasn't exactly blowing up cars but I was smashing them with hammers and shit! Fuck yeah, enjoy.
Amazing Video of Dueling Cellos MURDERING "Smooth Criminal"
Holy Fuck! Just as I was retiring from the interwebs I found this pile of awesome! Epic shit right here, my friend! ENJOOOOY, Bitch!
I'm Late On Three Year Old INFAMY Trailer That Looks Good
This was just dropped on my desk this morning and it's three years old. How did i not catch this? Ugh, I'm retiring from the internet. Peace.
Verizon's iPhone Commercial is WAY Too Dramatic
Oh wait, they're counting down to the end of the world... I got nervous, they're just counting down to the release of the iPhone4 on the VZW network. Scared me. Don't enjoy.
Art Overdose No.1
Dorky Pale Kid Raps REALLY Fast!
Impressive. Enjoy.
Bill Nye The Science Guy Knew About The Zodiac Sign Change 6 Years Ago!
So yesterday afternoon the interwebs were abuzz cause they found out they may not be the zodiac sign the originally thought they were and hours after the not so connected people caught wind of it and it was all over the evening news and what have you. Want to read about it? Click here, bitch. Well, I think it's funny for two reasons, all the people who got tattoos and are now stuck with a zodiac sign that isn't theirs and that people actually believe in all that shit. Either way, it's all old news! Bill Nye The Science Guy figured it out 6 years ago! Haha, idiot scientists. Bill Nye for president of the universe!
NYC's Undercity
Now I know you don't have 27 minutes to sit in front of your computer and watch a video. What's that you say? You've been on the net all day and don't have anything better to do? Good. This is an amazing part on NYC that mostly no one ever gets to see. Check out the website to see photos too, Enjoy.
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