Kanye's New Video Is Super Dope, But Have We Seen It Before?

Kanye's new music video is so dope! The typography (I'm a design nerd so I geeked out over it!), the vibrant colors, the epileptic inducing flashing lights, and most importantly, Rihanna lookin' sexy as all hell! But, I feel like I've seen it before... Anywho, enjoy!

Check out these vids that must have been the inspiration for All of The Lights...

And even though it's not very similar I still wanted to post DVNO cause it's still fucking amazing!

All-Star Weekend Absence

Not sure how many people actually  read my blog, but if you happen to and have noticed I haven't posted in a lil' while it's because of the NBA All-Star break that has kept me pretty busy. I'm planning on recording a couple of my random moments out there that I can post up here.  We'll see. 

Moving Snowman Scares People! 100th post!!

Shout out to me for my 100th post!! This shit is pretty funny. Enjoy muda fugahs!

Exit Through The Pet Shop! ::Video::

This is fucking epic! You've seen Exit Through The Gift Shop, correct?? Me too. Well, I must say that this trailer is a million times better... Enjoy!

HDR Video Looks Like a Video Game!

HDR photography has been around for a while, you may or may not know. But HDR videography is somewhat new and I've even posted a couple here on the blog but this one is FUCKING AMAZING! They filmed an old chapel and the final result looks fake! Like a damn video game and that is super dope to me!

Frank's Netflix Tour...? ::WTF::

Don't really know anything about this other than the fact that when it was done I was like, "What the fucking fuck?!"

Random Moment of the Day w/ Taraji P. Henson

My first video in my new series, "YaBoySL's Random Moment of the Day" I will randomly post random moments on random days and today's moment is with the beautiful, Taraji P. Henson!

Make Facebook Secure by Enabling HTTPS! ::Important Video::

Like seriously, you're going to want to switch on this feature!