WTF?! Ha. Just one "Ha" though.
Dudes Play Russian Roulette w/ Thumbtacked Nerf Gun ::Video::
This Baby Loves Kid Cudi ::Video::
Kid Cudi has the same affect on me... Pause... Really pause. Enjoy.
"I Love Invisalign" Eminem Spoof ::Video::
Wow. This is real. Like it was made to promote an actual dentist office. It's almost genius but it's almost retarded. No diss to retards. Enjoy, kinda.
These Dogs Have Great Table Manners! ::Video::
Perfect. Why didn't I think of this?!
Dancing Android is DOOOOOOPE!! ::Video::
Holly hell! I fuckin' love this. I need that costume too, but I heard it's $2,000! That's the price of looking cool, eh?? Fuck. Either way, enjoy!
Cooking With Macho Man! ::Video::
Art Overdose No.7
A Visual History of Movie Title Design ::Video::
Wow. This is pretty inspiring. Enjoy
Iraqi Tron ::Video::
Holly... Fuck. Awesome. "My fucking rib cage!"
Super Mario Bros. w/ Real World Sounds! ::Video::
20th Anniversary of The Rodney King Beating
It's been 20 years today since Rodney King was beaten. Although it was a terrible how bad all the police brutality was back then, I'm going to speak on the tech part of the story. Back in a time when this as such went unseen by most people and on rare occasions such as these when it is brought to the public's attention it took days for it to be noticed. Nowadays every thing is instant and you pretty much can't go anywhere with out the possibility of it being captured on video if a situation arises. Is this a good thing or bad? I think good.
I like to think it helps keep the police in order and even criminals from doing their thing knowing that pretty much everyone is equipped with video capturing capabilities. Do I feel safer? No. Do I feel like my privacy is in jeopardy? Not really. If you're in public, you can be photographed or filmed says the law. I don't really know I was trying to go with all this, I just wanted to make the 2 people that read my blog aware of this anniversary and maybe you might want to watch what I consider the first off net viral video. Please, don't enjoy.
I like to think it helps keep the police in order and even criminals from doing their thing knowing that pretty much everyone is equipped with video capturing capabilities. Do I feel safer? No. Do I feel like my privacy is in jeopardy? Not really. If you're in public, you can be photographed or filmed says the law. I don't really know I was trying to go with all this, I just wanted to make the 2 people that read my blog aware of this anniversary and maybe you might want to watch what I consider the first off net viral video. Please, don't enjoy.
Aubrey Plaza in Star Wars Spoof ::Video::
Okay, this isn't that funny. I'll admit it's a little clever but even that is pushing it. The only reason I posted this video is cause I am oddly attracted to Aubrey Plaza and I don't know why. I guess I've always had a little thing for the "odd girl." Either way... Kind of enjoy.
Art Overdose No.6
What if You Only Had 5 Minutes to Live? ::Video::
This short film was made by someone named Ien Che for a Campus Movie Fest at Emory University. It's a lovely reminder to focus on the things that matter in life... Enjoy.
How The Real Mini Darth Vader Would Act! ::Video::
What if the Mini Darth Vader from the Super Bowl VW commercial stayed true to character? This.
Random Moment of the Day w/ @AbbysCool's Magic Boots!
Just another Random Moment of the Day!
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